By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Moving out of state can be very costly. While there are certainexpenses you can't avoid, it helps if you set a reasonable moving budget andtry to stick to it. Don't forget to include things like gas, food, andprofessional movers in your budget. And don't be too hard on yourself if you dogo a little over-budget because things are bound to happen that you just can'tpredict.
A new home is much more than just a new house. When you sign yournew lease, take the time to drive around and take a tour of your newneighborhood. Get to know where the local grocery stores and farmer's marketsare located. If you're a parent, learn about the local school district andscout out some parks. Also, if you've got a pet, or are planning on gettingone, you'll want to find a reliable vet clinic close by.
Whichever moving company you choose will be responsible forensuring the safety of your belongings. It's extremely important to make surethat the movers you select have a reputation for being a highly rated andprofessional company. You also want a moving company with excellent customerservice and communication. Set a schedule with them and make a delivery planwith your driver. Be sure to exchange phone numbers, so you can keep in contactwith your movers.
Take your vehicle in for regular maintenance before your movingday, such as an oil change and tire rotation. This can help you to avoid anymechanical issues during your journey to your new home. Also, make sure thatyour registration and insurance are up to date. A ticket is not the kind ofwelcome you want in your new state.
While most states will afford you a grace period to give you timeto make the transfer, it's usually best if you just go ahead and get yourlicense switched to your new state of residence. Check the DMV website for yournew home. You might even be able to make the transfer online!
Moving to a different state can be exhausting. Make sure you knowahead of time where you intend to stop overnight, and plan for plenty of reststops to stretch your legs. If you're taking any pets along for the ride,you'll also have to schedule potty breaks for them. And don't forget to packplenty of toys to keep your kids or pets entertained on the road.
Whether you're moving by yourself or with your family, be sure topack a moving bag to take on the trip with you. This should include toiletries,several changes of clothes, any medication, important financial information,and chargers for your electronics. And anything else you can't live without fora few days, in case of any delays.
You know you're going to be in your vehicle for at least a day ortwo. Prepare for the long drive by stocking up on snacks and drinks. Especiallyif you're traveling with your family, having everyone's favorites on hand willreally help with those long miles in between rest stops and hotels. You shouldalso keep some hand sanitizer in the car because, eventually, you will have todeal with public restrooms.
It's important to have a plan in place and to know your professionalmovers are trustworthy and reliable. Let A-1 Freeman Moving Group take some ofthe stress out of your state-to-state move, so you can enjoy the adventure asyou start the next phase of your life.
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