You’ve gone through the process of getting all of your stuff from your old house, and now you’re staring down a whole stack of boxes and bags after your move. Well, don’t start unpacking quite yet! There are a few things that you can do that’ll make your post-moving experience a lot better. So before you remove the first bit of tape from your boxes, consider these few pointers to save some time and hassle.
- Take the time to clean and paint before you start unpacking everything. It’s a lot easier to wipe down the baseboards, vacuum the carpets, and take care of any errant cobwebs prior to taking out your pictures, shelves, and other decorations.
- After you’ve got your walls and floors cleaned up and in order, distribute your boxes to their proper room. Start unpacking one room at a time to help keep things focused and organized. It will also help keep you from feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you have in front of you.
- After you’ve moved and you’re starting the unpacking process, you’re probably going to notice that you brought some stuff with you that you really don’t need anymore. This happens to everyone no matter how much clutter they try to cut down on. Even people who have had garage sales prior to their move will always end up with a few things they don’t need or want. Go ahead and gather these items up and donate them to a local charity.
By taking a bit of time to organize yourself after your move, you’ll end up with a much calmer and easier time. And as everyone knows, the less stress you have during a move the better. There are so many moving parts that you’ll be grateful to have some order. And if you want a highly organized move from start to finish, be sure to
give us a call. Our experienced moving crews will be able to keep you on the right path.
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